Sunday, September 28, 2014

{Fire Safety}

On Monday, the Twosies had an opportunity to brush up on their fire safety skills with the Oconee County Fire Department. They were able to practice responding to a smoke alarm and crawling out of a house.


They got to see a fire fighter in full gear...

And check out a ladder truck!!

The Twosies will definitely be safe in case of a fire!

Monday, September 15, 2014

{Dot Day}

We had sooooo much fun with some special Dot Day activities!

International Dot Day was inspired by the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
In this book, Vashti learns an important lesson about using her talents to leave her mark on our world! She learns that it just takes one mark to start something beautiful. 

The students created some beautiful Dot artwork. They were given instructions to "Just make a mark and see where it takes you!"
Marker on coffee filters
The students sprayed them with water
We watched as the water spread the ink
We also began writing pieces about how we could better ourselves to leave our mark in the world! We came up with a school, home, health, and community goal and finished off with a big dream!

The students made predictions and then raced to see how many Dots they could punch in a minute. They then had to create an equation and solve to find the difference between their prediction and actual results!

We ended the day experimenting with water "Dots" (drops). The students made a hypothesis as to how many drops of water would stay on a penny and then conducted an experiment to find out. They were shocked to watch the water drops stick together and cover the surface of the penny! Most had predicted the drops would roll off of the penny's edge.

 Click on the link below to enjoy "The Dot Song"!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

{Georgia on Our Minds}

The Twosies have had Georgia on their mind for the last couple of weeks!
Here are some pictures that showcase our hard work!

We made a book to keep track of our learning about the five regions of Georgia:

Then the students made a brochure advertising their favorite region of Georgia. We talked about not only recalling facts about each region, but being able to persuade people to visit with some interesting facts and places to visit while traveling through the region.

 After learning the five regions of Georgia, we then learned the seven major rivers of Georgia.

Here is an example of the map we labeled:

We made another book to help us track our learning of the rivers!

And here we have the Twosies debuting their first hit single "Georgia's Rivers"!!!