Friday, October 31, 2014

{Twosie Characters}

Today was the Storybook Character Parade!

Check out our costumes:

I don't think my belly could have held anything else!!!

Here is our storybook character pumpkin we created for the Storypatch:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

{Book Commercials}

Our first airing of Book Commercials is ready!

Here is Dinosuars Before Dark by Alex, Ansley, Charlotte, Yu, Abraham, and Benjamin:

Here is The Boxcar Children by Charlie, Sierra, Shriya, Molly, and Zak:

Monday, October 13, 2014

{Colossal Coasters}

To begin our unit on forces, we first had to learn about pushes and pulls.

We then conducted some experiments to learn how we can change the speed of moving objects.

We learned that if you adjust the incline or change the amount of friction on a path, you can slow down or speed up moving objects!

Throughout this week, we also completed a unit study on roller coasters.

We began by collecting some data:

We also accessed our roller coaster schema and then conducted research to learn more!

We completed a roller coaster writing this week as well:

We ended our unit by putting these discoveries to a true test!
The students built roller coasters!!!

We had 7 roller coasters constructed in our classroom and each group was able to create a working loop!

Here is a video of our work:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


We learned about energy and its sources last week!

We explored light, heat, and sound energy too! 

We ended the week by building a solar powered oven out of a pizza box...

and making s'mores!
The sun did not cooperate with us and it rained all day. We decided to use a lamp as our light and heat source. The were delicious!!

The directions can be found here: 

Friday, October 3, 2014

{Matter Matters}

Boy did we have fun learning about matter! 
Ask your Twosie for the definition of matter, the three states of matter, and to describe the molecules of solids, liquids, and gases. Then ask them what they learned about how matter can be changed!

We went on a Matter Hunt to find solids, liquids, and gases. We also observed matter and recorded its properties.

We explored the properties of liquids and learned that the molecules will stick together and climb one another if they have a ladder!

We explored the properties of liquids and gases with Pop Rocks and soda! 
I couldn't get this pic to rotate!

We also made Jello to observe the changes of matter from solid, to liquid, to gas, and back to solid!

 The Twosies ended the Matter Unit with root beer floats. These treats showed matter in all three states at the same time!!!