Friday, September 25, 2015

{Fire Safety}

 Blaze Burns and his crew came this week to teach us about Fire Safety! We enjoyed a super fun performance including smoke machines, songs, flashing lights, and audience participation.

Speaking of audience participation...The Twosies thought it would be fun to volunteer ME to be the human smoke detecotor! As if my royal robes and crown weren't enough, I had to don a toilet seat, yes A. TOILET. SEAT., oversized battery, and red button nose. We then went back and forth in operatic fashion as I perfected my "Beep, beep, beep!" 

Geez! Thanks a lot guys!

Friday, September 18, 2015

{Elephant and Piggie}

Our Extension Group ended our Author Study on Mo Willems by performing a Reader's Theater from some of our favorite Elephant and Piggie books!

Brooks, Bella, and Nathan

Kria, Annie, and Brody

Mac, Ben, Melanie, and Alexia

Owen, Dev, and Maria

{Twosies Do Dot Day}

We celebrated International Dot Day inspired by Peter H. Reynolds' best seller The Dot.

We began by reading the book and discussing ways that we could leave our mark on the world. Each Twosie brainstormed and came up with a way that they could better the world!

Then we all made our very own Dot Art!

We ended our Dot celebration by experimenting with the properties of water. We predicted how many drops of water would fit on the surface of a penny. The Twosies made really low predictions and were shocked by the fact that more than 20 drops could on the penny's surface. We learned that liquids have "sticky" properties. Their molecules stick together and climb on top of one another!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

{Georgia is On Our Mind}

We learned all about the five regions of Georgia and the seven major rivers of Georgia. The Twosies completed maps identifying and labeling the regions and rivers and completed booklets to track their learning of both. At the end of our unit, they designed and created a brochure advertising a region of their choice!

To end this unit, the Twosies wrote and performed original songs to teach others the five regions of Georgia! 

Enjoy!!! They did such a great job!

Friday, September 4, 2015

{Super Science}

The Twosies got to extract DNA from strawberries with Super Science this week!
How. Cool.

Adding cold rubbing alcohol caused the DNA to leave the nucleus of the cell and rise to the surface!

We got all kinds of interested after our experiment, so we learned a little more by watching this video: