Wednesday, January 20, 2016

{100 Days of Twosies}

I can. not. believe. we celebrated our 100th Day of School! 
Time truly flies when you're having fun!

This surprise greeted the Twosies as they arrived...

And then this even better surprise met them at their classroom doors... 
Great Grandma Hilley and her crew of 100 year olds came to celebrate with us!

The Twosies participated in lots of 100 activities!

What does 100 drops of water look like?

Can you make a tower with 100 cups?


And of course we shared a special treat!

Only 80 days left!!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

{Twosies Christmas Party}

I wanted to share some of the videos from our FABULOUS Christmas Party!
The Hot Chocolate Bar was a hit and I know you will cherish your handcrafted ornaments for years to come!
We'd all like to thank Katherine Bynum for all of her hard work and efforts put into making our Christmas Party something to remember!


Chorus Performance
Christmas Sing-Along