Thursday, October 20, 2016

{The Twosies Lived Happily Ever After}

Our Fairytales Unit has taught us so much! The Twosies have learned all about the elements and history of fairytales. They have learned about the differences between the oral folktale genre and current fractured fairytales. We read many traditional, modern, and fractured versions of our favorite fairytales and compared and contrasted them. We were also able to look at how versions of the same fairytale changed based on the country/region where the story was told. Some of the Twosies even wrote their own!

 They conducted and reported their own research on knights, castles, dragons, and royalty. Through this research they were able to explore nonfiction text features, become familiar with many different resources including the internet, and learn about summarizing and notetaking. 

 Here are the groups' final products: 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

{Mrs. Hilley Gets Slimed}

Second Grade was one of the winning grade levels who collected
the most money for Relay for Life!

So that means...their teachers got slimed!!


It was so cold!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

{Blue Ribbon Pep Rally}

We were so excited to be able to officially celebrate Malcom Bridge receiving the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Lighthouse School Recognition!

Second grade always goes above and beyond...

Each grade level wrote and performed a cheer. You can check out second grade's below:

The North Oconee High School Competition Cheerleaders came and performed for us as well!

It was such a great day celebrating all of the wonderful things going on at The Bridge!!

Friday, October 7, 2016

{Mini Microbiologists}

Microbiologist Dr. Walker and some graduate students from the University of Georgia came to share with second grade about bacteria. They Twosies rotated through four classrooms for a different bacteria focus. 

In our first rotation, we learned that there are good bacteria in many foods that we eat. The students got to eat yogurt in this rotation!

Next, we learned how bacteria form after we are born.

The third rotation allowed us to explore some of the infections that are caused by bacteria. We were able to observe different antibiotics working to kill off bacteria in a petri dish. We also got to watch a video of a white blood cell attacking a bacteria!

Finally, we got to swab a place on our body and spread our sample on a petri dish of our own! Dr. Walker took the dishes back to her lab and grew our bacteria. She later sent us pictures of our cultures. So gross and so cool!!!