Friday, January 20, 2017

{100th Day of School}

Great Grandma Hilley showed up to celebrate the 100th Day of School with the Twosies! She was so excited to be greeted by so many other one hundred year olds!

 She even got to play Bingo with her Extension kids!!!

The Twosies spent the day participating in all sorts of "100" activities!

100 Pictures:

100 Drops of Water:


Creations with 100 pieces:

100 Exercises:

 And we worked on collecting 100 cans for Oconee Food for Kids:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

{Merry Christmas Twosies}

 The last day before Christmas Break began with our Christmas Sing-a-Long. I love this time of year, where the whole school joins to sing Christmas carols together! We also got to hear a special performance from the Chorus. 

Chorus Performance

Must Be Santa Claus

Sleigh Ride
 The second grade teachers were the "Four Calling Birds" for the 12 Days of Christmas!

The Twosies completed a Tangram Christmas Tree Challenge and an Ugly Christmas Sweater Logic Problem. 

Our Christmas Party was a blast! We competed in many Christmas themed "Minute to Win It Style" games. I was too busy having fun to get many pictures, but here is what I have!

Gingerbread Cookie Challenge:

Related image

Lose Rudolph's Nose:
Image result for red pom pom vaseline

Build a Reindeer:

We also had to shake jingle bells out of tissue boxes tied to our rears. 
I wish I could have video taped them was hilarious!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

{Botanical Gardens Field Trip}

Second grade went on our first bus field trip to the Botanical Gardens!

Off we go...

We had a great time singing Christmas Carols the WHOLE way there!

Our field trip was broken up into three parts.

Part 1: Greenhouse Tour
We were able to walk through the different greenhouses and notice the structure, materials, and function. We noticed that they all were made of the same corrugated plastic that the middle school greenhouse is made of. We're thinking we should definitely use this material when designing our own greenhouse!! Some of the greenhouses were warmer than others and some were darker than others. We learned that controlling the temperature and amount of light are important in order to achieve the desired results. The greenhouses were full of all types of plants; palms, ferns, tropical flowers, Spanish moss, air plants, and even some carnivorous plants!

Part 2: Education
For the second part, a Botanical Gardens worker took us deep into the woods for a brief learning time. We got to dig for creatures and explore the different types of trees. My group found millipedes, centipedes, spiders, ants, and a worm.


Part 3: Garden Exploration
For the last part of the field trip we explored the gardens. We really enjoyed this part and saw some really neat plants that we don't typically see! It was cool to walk through levels of plant life growing above and below you.

We ended with a picnic! What a great time we had!!