Tuesday, March 28, 2017

{Natural Disasters}

Our Natural Disasters Unit if one of the units that I look most forward to each year! The students worked with a group to complete research on a natural disaster of their choice. After completing the research, each group wrote a script for a news report that they would film using a green screen iPad app called Veescope Live! Each group chose a weather map image and a video clip of their natural disaster to be inserted in place of the green screen.

Image result for veescope

Each news report had to inform viewers about the following:

-Place the disaster is likely to occur
-Description of the disaster
-How it forms
-How it is measured
-Effects of the disaster
-Most devastating disaster of it's type in history

After filming, the groups then had to piece their recordings together and edit the final product using Movie Maker:

Pardon the interruption, but we have Breaking News!!

by Britton, Lane, Maeve, and Emry

by Finley, Ashton, Evan, and Rowen

Flash Floods
by Corey, Bryson, Ben, and Ayden

by Gabriella, Memphis, and Sarah

 by Dominic, Katherine, Ming, and Knox

by Will, Collin, Lily, and Reese

Thursday, March 23, 2017

{Happy St. Patrick's Day}

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by studying St. Patrick and learning a lot about the country of Ireland. We also explored Irish Folktales and of course leprechauns! The book Mary McClean and the St. Patrick's Day Parade even taught us about the Great Potato Famine and Irish Immigration to New York.

Image result for mary mclean st. patrick

The Twosies created a slide show about St. Patrick. You can check it out using the link below!

St. Patrick Presentation

Because we love to celebrate holidays with STEM Challenges, we conducted one with a leprechaun theme. The Twosies had to design a parachute that would safely deliver a leprechaun from the top of a rainbow.

These teams were the most successful! 
Ayden and Ashton's parachute stayed in the air for a record-breaking 3.77 seconds!!! 
Britton's and Gabriella's parachute was the most consistent, staying around 3 seconds for each of it's three trials!

Friday, March 10, 2017

{Plant Life Cycles}

The Twosies have truly learned so much throughout our Plant Unit!

We spent several days collecting data on hours of sunlight for our greenhouse location. We collected data on three different areas and then learned how to create tables in Google Docs to share our data. We met with Dr. Stancil and presented our data and suggestions for our greenhouse location.

We learned all about how seeds move from one place to another. Air, water, animals, and humans play a very important role in distributing seeds. Some seeds are even specially designed to travel. Here the Twosies explore with models of seed dispersal. The seeds they tested were gliders, rotocopters, and spinners.:

Next we explored how seeds are made through pollination. The Twosies made models of pollinators and explored how the mixing of pollen allows for seed production:

They also tried their hand at programming and demonstrated pollination through the app Scratch Jr.!

Related image

Finally the Twosies learned all about how the seed turns in to a plant through the the study of plant life cycles and planting our own plants.

The following links will take you to their Plant Life Cycle Thing Link:

Lily- by Lily

Hydrangea- by Gabriella

Hydrangea- by Lane

Evergreen Tree- by Ben

Evergreen Tree- by Rowen

Apple Tree- by Ayden and Ming

Pitcher Plant- by Dominic

Dogwood- by Emry

Rose- by Finley and Maeve

Rose- by Britton and Sarah

Peace Rose- by Collin and Katherine

Queen Elizabeth Rose- by Ashton

Venus Fly Trap- by Memphis, Knox, and Bryson

Venus Fly Trap- by Will, Reese, and Evan

Venus Fly Trap- by Corey

Thursday, March 9, 2017

{Dr. Seuss Week}

We were inspired by one of the best, Dr. Seuss, to explore with alliteration.

Image result for fox in socks

Please click on the link below to see the Tongue Twisters created by the Twosies!

Monday, March 6, 2017

{Great Reads}

Need some help picking out your next book?
The Twosies have done some great work writing opinion letters about their favorites!
Check out their letters for some super suggestions for your next great read!

Image result for reading clipart