Thursday, August 24, 2017

{Great American Solar Eclipse 2017}

Wow, wow, wow!
That's pretty much all I can say when I think about experiencing the solar eclipse with my Twosies! We were so lucky to get to experience this once in a lifetime event and turn it into an incredible learning opportunity. 

Our school was so excited, the whole school wore black...BLACKOUT!

The week prior to the eclipse, the Twosies watched several videos and read lots of information about what would happen that day.  On the actual day of the eclipse, we completed rotations through all of the second grade classrooms. 

The Twosies participated in activities like...
creating an eclipse model
making moon sand
learning about circadian rhythm
demonstrating the eclipse with Oreos
the history of (and eating) Moon Pies
discovering what happens to animals in an eclipse
designing corona art
listening to eclipse folktales and storytelling with shadow puppets

We then spent the afternoon observing the sun with our eclipse glasses and tracking the progression of the moon across the sun. We celebrated with Sun Chips and Sunny D!

Monday, August 14, 2017

{Building Bridges}

We had so much fun with our Bridge Unit! We learned the definition of bridges and why they were built. We learned the history of bridges from the Primitive People, to the Roman Empire, to the modern nineteenth century bridges. We also learned about the five major types of bridges (beam, cantilever, truss, arch, and suspension), moveable bridges, and famous bridges. We ended our unit with building bridges of our own! 

Planning and Design Meetings:

Construction Stage:

Final Products:

The Great Fantastic Literally Magnificent Bridge (Cantilever Bridge)

The Vach Bridge (Truss Bridge)

Ponzar Bridge (Beam Bridge)

Archy Bridge (Arch Bridge)

Malcom Bridge (Suspension Bridge)

Friday, August 4, 2017

{First Week}

Mrs. Hilley's Twosies are off to a great start!

We had an awesome week getting to know each other and our classroom routine!

We completed a mini-unit on Peanut Butter and Jelly to kick us off. We collected some data on our favorite type of PB&J, watched how peanut butter is made, and completed a writing on "How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich." We talked about how each of us compliment the others in our class and that we make a great blend. The Twosies go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Image result for you are the peanut butter and jelly

To end our week, the students wrote scripts and used an app called Chaterpix Kids to tell all about themselves. Enjoy the following videos and meet our Twosies!
Related image


Audrey Anna
















