Tuesday, November 28, 2017

{Titanic Tragedy}

 This unit truly infatuated the Twosies and pulled at their heartstrings! We learned all about the The Dream, The Course, The Parts, The Passengers, The Demise, and The Aftermath. We watched some video clips of the recovery and read interviews from survivors. 

We collected all that we learned in a digital informational book using an app called Book Creator.
Image result for book creator

Here is the link to check out our book:

Friday, November 17, 2017

{Super Science}

The Twosies are all about some science!! They love learning, wondering, and experimenting. They also love STEM challenges!

 Our first and second nine weeks of second grade were focused on Matter and Space. During our Matter Unit, we conducted many experiments to discover what matter is and to observe matter in its three states.

We also went on a Matter Hunt around our school.

We ended our unit by experimenting with changing matter. And so our obsession with blowing things up in the microwave begins!!! Here you can see what happens to Ivory soap when it is heated.

Our space unit was focused on the stars, sun, moon, and the earth. The Twosies learned about the characteristics of stars including color, brightness, and size. We discovered that the sun is not the largest star in the sky even though it appears that way. 

We also explored how the moon seems to change shape in the sky. We learned that the moon goes through phases based on its position around the earth and distance from the sun. The Twosies tracked the phases of the moon at home with a Moon Tracker and were rewarded with Moon Pies for returning it to school!

Our final explorations involved observing the sun's position throughout the day and its affect on shadows. We kept track of our own shadows, made sundials, and used an online shadow simulator to observe how shadows change. The twosies created a foil statue and represented the changes in our classroom with a flashlight.

To finish the unit, we tried our hand at coding using an app called Scratch Jr. The Twosies wrote a script to move the earth around the sun. Their final products represent how the sun's revolutions change the seasons. Click the link below to check out their animations!

Image result for scratch jr. app logo

Thursday, November 16, 2017

{Happy Halloween}

The Twosies had so much fun celebrating Halloween!

Here we are dressed for the Storybook Character Parade:

The Second Grade Teachers all dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland!
Some second grade students did too!

We made spider treats to enjoy!