Wednesday, January 31, 2018

{Alaska Research Projects}

For their first research projects of 2018, the students chose an area of Alaska to research and present to the class. They could choose any method of presentation to share their knowledge. The students created posters, Google Slide Presentations, and videos. All of the research and work was done by each student. The videos were even filmed and edited by the students!

Alaska's History

Alaska's People

Alaska's Landscape

Alaska's Landscape by Dani Chihuahua

Alaska's Climate

Alaska's Animals

Arctic Fox by Crystal Zhen

Harp Seal by Molly Adkisson

Alaska's Attractions

The Iditarod

The Northern Lights

Friday, January 19, 2018

{Growing Greenhouses}

We are so excited about the progress we have made towards our STEM project this year.
At the beginning of the year, the second grade students were presented with this video:
Image result for soul pancake

This led to lots of conversation about child hunger right here in our own community! The students then created their own version of the video:

Image result for end hunger

The second graders were asked to share ideas of how we at Malcom Bridge could do our part to end hunger. It was decided that we would grow food in greenhouses to share with the hungry.

We met with Oconee Food for Kids to share our ideas and start a partnership with them.

We experimented with many materials to decide which allowed for the most growth.

We researched to find which areas of the school received the most sunlight.

We researched different types of greenhouses.

We visited the Malcom Bridge Middle School Greenhouse and learned about its structure and function.


We researched fruits and vegetables to determine what each class would plant.

Vegetable Research

We presented our persuasive projects to our classes.

Vegetable Presentations

We voted on which fruit or vegetable we would plant.

Then we planted...

The students created labels for each plant.

They gave each cup exactly 2 cups of soil.

They sorted seeds, so that we could put 5 in each cup.

They measured the greenhouse bed, so that the seeds could be evenly planted.

We are now in the research stage again. We planted two different types of watermelon seeds and we have some growing in our cold frame greenhouse, hoop greenhouse, inside our classroom in cup greenhouses, and in the MBMS greenhouse. We are collecting data to see which location provides the fastest and best growth!