Friday, January 23, 2015

Using Cheez its to find Perimeter and Area!!!

We reviewed perimeter and area the past 2 days by using Cheez Its! Each side of the Cheez It was 1 inch. The students worked in groups and found the perimeter by adding the inches of each side together. The students worked in groups and found the area inside the space by using either multiplication, repeated addition, or counting the Cheez Its to find the!! We had a lot of fun while learning at the same time :)
Ms. Anderson

Friday, January 9, 2015

Go Noodle :)

During my student teaching, my mentor teacher introduced me to Go Noodle! I am sure you have heard your kids talking about it. If not... ask them! Go Noodle is essentially a brain break during the day. After we have been working hard for a couple of hours, it's time to get their bodies up and moving for a few minutes (to take a brain break). This recharges them to finish the day strong. Go Noodle has many different physical activities to choose from. It has olympic games, yoga, dance, etc. I have noticed a big difference in their work ethic after they finish 3 minutes of Go Noodle. To register is free so you can also check it out at home. Check out our class taking a 3 minute brain break!
Ms. Anderson

Working hard!!!

Mrs. Hilley's class has come back ready to work hard! During teacher time, we are reading stories and answering questions to check our reading comprehension. We have been learning to go back in the story and highlight the answer to the question. They LOVE highlighters!! This is a necessary reading skill. This new skill teaches children how to find the important information in a passage and also shows them that looking back in the story can help you answer comprehension questions. Check out some students that have been working hard!
Ms. Anderson