Friday, August 21, 2015

{Malcom Bridges}

We learned so much throughout our unit on Bridges!
It was a great first unit and we were really able to build friendships with one another too!

We began by accessing our schema on the information that we already new about bridges and then determined what we would like to learn about bridges.

Then we explored the history of bridges. Bridges have been around as long as people have been around. We learned about the evolution of natural materials to steel and how the support structures have changed through the years. The shape of the arch can be seen in some of the very first bridges.

We then spent time learning about the different types of bridges... 

With all of this knowledge, we of course had to design and build our own:

Check out these pictures of the Twosies collaborating with their team on the design and engineering process!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

{"All About Me" Gamis}

We used a really great app called Tellagami and recorded short animated films that tell about ourselves!

Check out the final products below:





















Monday, August 10, 2015

{Peanut Butter & Jelly}

We go together like peanut butter & jelly!

To begin our Peanut Butter and Jelly Unit, the Twosies began by collecting some data on our class' favorite type of PB&J! It turns out that most of our class does NOT enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Sheesh!

After getting over that shock, we researched a little bit about peanut butter and watched how peanut butter is made. Did you know that the runner peanut is the one that is used for peanut butter making? It takes 1,100 peanuts just to make one jar!

Next, we brainstormed the process of PB&J sandwich making...
We then summarized our thoughts into a step by step process:

Finally, we (of course) HAD to make our very own!

Each partner spread one side and then gave their friend a high five!


 Now, we have some peanut allergies in our class, so we were extra safe and used Sunbutter instead!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

{First Day of School}

We did it!!! The Twosies survived their first day of second grade!

Here is just a glimpse of all we accomplished:
-We began learning our schoolwide expectations and wrote our classroom expectations
-We learned about our behavior and reward system
-Introduced Daily 5 and practiced "Read to Self"
-Began reading this book:
-Ate lunch (of course)
-Went to recess (thank goodness!)


-We even began our Peanut Butter and Jelly Unit...
'cause you know, we go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Which means that we...
  • collected data on our class' favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which, SHOCKER, happened to be "I don't like PB&J")
  • watched a video about how peanut butter is made and recorded some facts

Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow!!!