Wednesday, August 5, 2015

{First Day of School}

We did it!!! The Twosies survived their first day of second grade!

Here is just a glimpse of all we accomplished:
-We began learning our schoolwide expectations and wrote our classroom expectations
-We learned about our behavior and reward system
-Introduced Daily 5 and practiced "Read to Self"
-Began reading this book:
-Ate lunch (of course)
-Went to recess (thank goodness!)


-We even began our Peanut Butter and Jelly Unit...
'cause you know, we go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Which means that we...
  • collected data on our class' favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which, SHOCKER, happened to be "I don't like PB&J")
  • watched a video about how peanut butter is made and recorded some facts

Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow!!!

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