Sunday, November 27, 2016

{Greenhouse Fieldtrip}

To help us with our yearlong STEAM project, the Twosies visited the Malcom Bridge Middle School Greenhouse. Mr. Walker, the agriculture teacher, lead some wonderful instruction about the form and function of greenhouses and allowed the students to explore and ask questions. 

To begin our field trip, each second grader was paired with an eighth grader.

The students made a sketch of the greenhouse and took notes on the parts and materials used. Their research will be used in the design of their own greenhouses.

Mr. Walker then taught us how to reproduce plants through propagation. Each student got to plant a clipping of an adult plant. The plants will be housed in the greenhouse and we will get to pick them up in the spring. We can't wait to see how much they will have grown by then!

We are so excited to partner with the middle school in this way and look forward to working with the agriculture students again soon!

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