Tuesday, February 21, 2017

{Sweet Second Grade}

Love is in the air! And ALL things conversation hearts!!

Related image

We celebrated Valentine's Day with lots of conversation hearts activities. The Twosies first explored with surface area of a heart outline. Then they had to sort their hearts by color and create a Data Table and Bar Graph of their information. Finally, they had to write the fraction of each color.

Next the Twosies conducted the Scientific Process to see how many conversation hearts they could stack before their tower fell! I believe the record was 13!

And because we love to experiment with food, we explored with conversation hearts in water, vinegar, and the MICROWAVE. Conversation Hearts sink, they dissolve in water and vinegar, and they melt in extreme heat.

We watched this video to learn about the history of conversation hearts:

We ended our celebration by passing out our valentines and enjoying chocolate fondue! Second grade sure is sweet!!

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