Friday, December 1, 2017

{Cranberries, Cranberries}

Our Thanksgiving Unit led us to learning all about cranberries. We experimented first to see if cranberries would sink or float. When we discovered that they did in fact float, we cut them open to figure out why.

Image result for inside of cranberry

A cranberry has four air pockets inside that cause it to float. 

We then put the cranberries in hot water to see what would happen. The heat caused the air inside to expand and the cranberries popped open. We could hear the air bubbles escaping and the skins rupturing. 

Next we explored with dried cranberries to see if we could make the cranberries dance! The bumpy surface of the dried cranberry creates many ridges. We placed the dried cranberries in soda and watched as they rose to the surface and then fell back down to the bottom. This happened over and over and made the cranberries look like they were dancing!

Last, we made cranberry catapults to see who could launch them the farthest distance! It was so much fun!

Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving Feast:

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