Friday, March 30, 2018

{Natural Disasters}

The Twosies made waves with our Natural Disasters Unit! They loved this project and the room was trembling with excitement! 

Each group researched a Natural Disaster. They then shared their learning through the creation of a Weather Report video. We used a green screen and an app called Veescope Live to be able to insert a weather map and footage of the natural disaster. 
Image result for veescope live

Here is what our set up looked like:

The video had to include the following information:
-where the disaster could occur
-how it forms
-an interesting fact
-its appearance
-effects on land, animals, or plants
-precautions people should take
-a disaster from history


by Tomas, Jack, and Sky

Flash Floods
by Vidur, Madilynn, and Hudson

Molly, Finley, Grady, and CJ

by Audrey Anna, Hadyn, and Allie

by Sawyer, Dani, Charlotte, and Levi

by Payne, Mitchell, and Crystal

Friday, March 23, 2018

{Twosies Read Dr. Seuss}

We celebrated Dr. Seuss and Read Across America Day with some exciting guest readers.
Jack's brother Will came and read Dragons Love Tacos to us.

Mrs. Hilley tweeted a picture and the author of the book "liked" our post!

Some middle schoolers from MBMS came to read to us as well!

Hadyn's dad also came and read to us. He read Green Eggs and Ham and had the whole class in stitches! 

Before he left, Mrs. Hilley made him demonstrate the worm!!!

Of course, Hadyn had to show off too...

The class wrote metaphors using My Many Colored Days as a model:


We also wrote our own Fox in Socks tongue twisters using alliteration:

Tongue Twisters

Thursday, March 15, 2018

{Second Grade Sweeties}

The Twosies celebrated Valentine's Day with lots and lots of conversation hearts!!

First, we used conversation hearts to practice our math skills. The Twosies used the hearts to find the area of a large heart outline and then they sorted them by color. They presented their data in fractions and a bar graph. 

Next, we conducted some experiments with the hearts. We dissolved the hearts is different liquids and melted them with heat!

Lastly, we used the hearts to demonstrate the Scientific Process. We wanted to find out how many hearts we could stack before the tower would fall. The Twosies formed a hypothesis, conducted some research, recorded their data, and then analyzed their results.

Life in second grade sure is SWEET!