The Twosies made waves with our Natural Disasters Unit! They loved this project and the room was trembling with excitement!
Each group researched a Natural Disaster. They then shared their learning through the creation of a Weather Report video. We used a green screen and an app called Veescope Live to be able to insert a weather map and footage of the natural disaster.

Here is what our set up looked like:
The video had to include the following information:
-where the disaster could occur
-how it forms
-an interesting fact
-its appearance
-effects on land, animals, or plants
-precautions people should take
-a disaster from history
by Tomas, Jack, and Sky
Flash Floods
by Vidur, Madilynn, and Hudson
Molly, Finley, Grady, and CJ
by Audrey Anna, Hadyn, and Allie
by Sawyer, Dani, Charlotte, and Levi
by Payne, Mitchell, and Crystal