Friday, March 23, 2018

{Twosies Read Dr. Seuss}

We celebrated Dr. Seuss and Read Across America Day with some exciting guest readers.
Jack's brother Will came and read Dragons Love Tacos to us.

Mrs. Hilley tweeted a picture and the author of the book "liked" our post!

Some middle schoolers from MBMS came to read to us as well!

Hadyn's dad also came and read to us. He read Green Eggs and Ham and had the whole class in stitches! 

Before he left, Mrs. Hilley made him demonstrate the worm!!!

Of course, Hadyn had to show off too...

The class wrote metaphors using My Many Colored Days as a model:


We also wrote our own Fox in Socks tongue twisters using alliteration:

Tongue Twisters

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