Friday, March 27, 2015

{What is a Veterinarian?}

Dr. Ekman visited our classroom to tell us all about the job of a veterinarian! She showed us how she performs an exam, makes a diagnosis, and prescribes medication. Dr. Ekman also talked to us about taking x-rays. I think our favorite part was looking at x-rays of animals that had eaten some of the craziest things. Some dogs and cats had eaten tennis balls, fish hooks, a sewing needle, pacifiers, and even a plastic dinosaur!!!

Dr. Ekman and her assistant Molly

At the end of her presentation, Dr. Ekman gave all of the Twosies some of their very own veterinary tools. They all received a scrub cap, surgical mask, and a set of latex gloves.

Getting geared up!

Thank you Dr. Ekman

Monday, March 23, 2015

{Natural Disasters}

We demonstrated our learning of Natural Disasters by creating meteorologist reports of 6 different natural disasters! 

Each report had to include:
 -where the natural disaster could occur
-how it forms
-an interesting fact
-its appearance
-effects on land, animals, or plants
-precautions people should take
-a disaster from history

We used a Green Screen App for the first time called Veescope Live! We uploaded photos and videos to put in place of the green screen while we filmed! Very cool!

This is what our setup looked like:

Here are the final products...

Friday, March 20, 2015

{Questions for a Real Meteorologist}

We sent a list of questions to my cousin, Ashley Miller, who is a meterologist.
Ashley currently works for the NOAA.
She graciously prepared this PowerPoint to answer their questions: 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

{Argh, Me Mateys!}

Shiver me timbers! What an exciting time me crew had learning about Pirates!
Of course the landlubbers started off by accessing their Pirate Schema.

We then set off on an adventure to scrounge up as much information as we could! We learned about the first pirates, the new world pirates, the golden age pirates, pirate ships, pirate life, pirate treasure, pirate attack, piracy after the golden age, and piracy today. 

Me mateys also researched several famous pirates. 

Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate's life for me! The landlubbers then had to batten down the hatches and sail through a pirate narrative writing. Of course, bein' a good cap'n and all, I gave them a map to help them plan for their writing. We worked a lot on a great story starter and using transitional words.

Avast, we ended our study with a Pirate Booty Challenge! The mateys had to build a pirate sloop that would float and then test it to see how much "gold" it would hold. They made adjustments along the way in an effort to allow their ship to hold more gold. 

Well, blow me down! Who knew you could make a ship out of aluminum foil?