Tuesday, March 17, 2015

{Argh, Me Mateys!}

Shiver me timbers! What an exciting time me crew had learning about Pirates!
Of course the landlubbers started off by accessing their Pirate Schema.

We then set off on an adventure to scrounge up as much information as we could! We learned about the first pirates, the new world pirates, the golden age pirates, pirate ships, pirate life, pirate treasure, pirate attack, piracy after the golden age, and piracy today. 

Me mateys also researched several famous pirates. 

Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate's life for me! The landlubbers then had to batten down the hatches and sail through a pirate narrative writing. Of course, bein' a good cap'n and all, I gave them a map to help them plan for their writing. We worked a lot on a great story starter and using transitional words.

Avast, we ended our study with a Pirate Booty Challenge! The mateys had to build a pirate sloop that would float and then test it to see how much "gold" it would hold. They made adjustments along the way in an effort to allow their ship to hold more gold. 

Well, blow me down! Who knew you could make a ship out of aluminum foil?

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