Friday, March 27, 2015

{What is a Veterinarian?}

Dr. Ekman visited our classroom to tell us all about the job of a veterinarian! She showed us how she performs an exam, makes a diagnosis, and prescribes medication. Dr. Ekman also talked to us about taking x-rays. I think our favorite part was looking at x-rays of animals that had eaten some of the craziest things. Some dogs and cats had eaten tennis balls, fish hooks, a sewing needle, pacifiers, and even a plastic dinosaur!!!

Dr. Ekman and her assistant Molly

At the end of her presentation, Dr. Ekman gave all of the Twosies some of their very own veterinary tools. They all received a scrub cap, surgical mask, and a set of latex gloves.

Getting geared up!

Thank you Dr. Ekman

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