Sunday, April 5, 2015

{Animal CSI}

Dun, dun, dun!! Somebody (or something) kidnapped our class jaguar last week! 

The Ransom Note

Thank goodness some bystanders saw four suspicious animals around our classroom and passed along the information to me! We were then able to research our four suspects to get as much information as we could about them. The four suspects were a black bear, wolf, moose, and grizzly bear.

Conducting Research

The next day, the Crime Scene Investigation: Animal Division dropped off some evidence they had collected.

The evidence envelope included the following clues:

The Twosies were then able to analyze the evidence and compare the clues with their suspect research. They narrowed the suspect list down clue by clue and finally determined that the culprit was...the grizzly bear!

The suspect was later apprehended and the jaguar was safely returned to our classroom! CSI: Animal Division wins again!! 

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