Monday, November 9, 2015

{Happy Owl-o-ween!}

We got to investigate dry ice for Super Science the week of Halloween! Boy was it cool! Literally. It was so cold, it burned. We had to wear gloves!

Did you know that dry ice is solid Carbon Dioxide? The solid carbon dioxide changes to a gas when it meets warm air. Yep, you heard that right! It skips the liquid state and goes straight to a gas state. We call this SUBLIMATION.

Here we are trapping the carbon dioxide that is released inside bubbles! Popping them was a treat. It looked like smoke!

The Twosies also got to trap the gas beneath a liquid barrier. As the gas filled up all the available space, it popped the barrier and released into the room.

Here, the gas that was released from the dry ice filled a balloon.

After warming a coin in their hand, the Twosies pressed it into a block of dry ice. The warmth of the coin caused the solid carbon dioxide to immediately sublimate into gas. As the gas pushed passed the coin, it caused pressure that made the coin vibrate ad make a loud buzzing noise. 

You can check it out here:

We also completed another STEM Challenge that didn't turn out quite like I hoped! The students were given candy corn and toothpicks and had to build the tallest structure they could in 15 minutes. We found out very quickly, that our candy corn crumbled when you put more than two toothpicks in them. So...we didn't make too much progress!

Mac and I were able to get a tower to stand 8 in. tall and won the challenge! Of course the class determined that wasn't fair because Mrs. Hilley was an expert. I quickly assured them I am no expert at building towers with candy corn and that this was my first attempt as well! 

And just for fun, here are the second grade teachers on Storybook Character Day...

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