Thursday, November 12, 2015

{Sincerely, Native American Child}

Imagine you are a Creek or Cherokee child. Write a diary or journal entry describing your life. What kinds of activities do you do? What kinds of chores do you have? What are your favorite kinds of games? If you are on the Trail of Tears, what is it like?

Take us back in time.


  1. My day was excellent. I played stickball almost all day with my friends. Last night my dad brought back a huge deer! Today, I had to help my mom prepare the meat and this afternoon I helped my mom clean our dome-shaped house. My favorite game is stickball, but I also like to play in the woods with my brothers. My favorite things to eat are corn, fish, especially Bass, and nuts.
    Rising Moon

  2. My life has hard challenges, but I also have lots of fun. My other friends and I love stickball. It is my favorite thing after my family and friends. My favorite thing to eat is squash. Today, I weaved a basket with my mom's help. My dinner was delightful. But then all of a sudden, settlers came to our land. But my mom and dad still put me to sleep that night. A while later, throughout the days, my mom and dad told me we were going away. We walked through the Trail of Tears. Everybody was crying. Will my family and I make it?
    Shining Feather

  3. The last few days have been terrible for my tribe. We were forced off our land and started a long journey and we all hope to finish it. I am a 10 year old Cherokee Indian and this is my story. After a long day of stickball,settlers came and forced us off our land it was terrible!!! We have to watch other people suffer and, we have a 50% chance of living and a 50% chance of dying. I hope most of my friends and family make it to the land. I throw clay balls with my dad sometimes but most of the time we're walking. After a long 6 years we finally completed the journey. When we got there all of my family lived and most of my friends!!!!
    Fox Warrior

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  5. It's been a awful week. I've been forced out of my home. The path we took is called the trail
    of tears and known as the trail where we cried. After the journey my mocassins are worn out when I got to our new camp. I play a game called stickball. My clothing is made out of leather. It's been aa long day my mom calls me for dinner. After dinner I go to bed. The end! By little hunter

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  8. Today was the worst!!! It first started when some settlers came. But when gold was discovered, they became greedy. So they forced us to go on a long, long journey. I miss all the fun games like Stickball. I also miss my dome shaped home. I hope most of my friends and I can survive the journey. Its hard not to look at people suffering from a sickness or hunger because they could die. A while later we finally were at our new home!!!
    Feather Head

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  10. Today started great. When I woke up, I ate breakfast that my mother cooked. My breakfast was dried fish. I put my dishes in a place to clean it. Then I did my chores like putting my stuff to keep our house clean. Then, I play stickball with my friends. My father and I went to hunt for animals like deer, wild turkey and also fish. We use bows and arrows to hunt. And we used fishing spears to fish. We went back inside the house with a deer we hunt for my mother. My mother cook lunch with the fire and we ate the deer. We also ate beans and squash. Then my mother was busy taking care with my younger sisters and brothers. My sister is playing with her beaded dolls. Then it started to be a bad day. Some settlers came and they discovered gold. So they started to be mean to us to have the gold. They forced to move somewhere else. So we went to Oklahoma in the trail of tears. It was so bad and some people died along the way. I hope we will make it. We miss all the stuff we did before the settlers came. Finally we were at our new home.

    by: Mobo

  11. Today was HORRIBLE. We were forced to leave our village. Many people died along the way. ;( They died of starvation and hypothermia. If I make it, I will play stickball. We went through may places: forests, deserts, and plains. The reason we left was because gold was discovered. The new settlers were greedy. They call it "The Trail of Tears" because it was were we cried. Also, when we get there I'll get new shoes.

    -Red Core

  12. Today was a hard day at school. Chores made my hands sweat. I had to make so much pottery! One day the settlers came along. One day the settlers found gold.They started to be greedy to have the gold.They forced us out of are home.We had to go on a very walk.
    That's why they're call it the Trail of tears.Many of died.I got there safe.Now I am at new home Sincerely,man who don't push chair in

  13. Today was insanely bad. This is because I was forced out of my home. On the way many died of pneumonia , starvation , and hypothermia. The trail we took is called the trail of tears also known as the trail where we cried. My mocassins have holes in them when I get home I'll get a new pair. Tonight me and my dad will hunt maybe we'll shoot a deer or a wild turkey? When I get home I'll play a wonderful game of stickball. This is only if I make it. Will I? By: young hunter

  14. I had a wonderful day! I played stickball and made a basket. I also helped my mom make the rest of our dome shaped house. All except one thing. Settlers came and forced us out of our home. They were being so nice then they discovered gold. The worst thing was my mother and father couldn't take it anymore and they pasted out. They best thing was that there was only 200 more miles left . I have the same sickness as my mother and father... I wonder if I will live?
    Beaver Fever

  15. I have had a splendid day except for sundown. I went hunting. I killed my first buck. I played a tremendous game of double-ball. In the afternoon I ate my lunch of roasted turtle. Then it was time for my favorite activity, fishing. My papa said I could either set a trap or spear them. I chose to set a trap. I had to sleep right after that. That is when the ruckus began. Our English neighbors found gold underground. That's when their greediness kicked in, and they sent us on our way. I am already starting to get pneumonia said the doctor. I wonder if we will be able to play stickball in our new land, or will we be able to hunt. I wonder everything about our new land.
    Fierce Lion

  16. Today was terrible. We were forced out of our homes and on the trail of tears. Everybody is crying. My mother is very sick. Today morning, one of my friends just died. I am hungry and sick. I wonder if I will make it.
