Friday, December 4, 2015

{Cranberry Thanksgiving}

I wanted to post about our Thanksgiving Cranberry Experiments, but of course unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of most of it. So...I will include some pictures from the Internet to give you an idea of what we did!

Thanksgiving Science Activities with Cranberries Thanksgiving Science Activities with Cranberries

We learned that cranberries do float in water because they have air pockets inside. Cranberry farmers use this to their advantage when it is time to harvest the cranberries. 

We also discovered that if you apply extreme heat, the gas inside the cranberries will expand until it bursts! The cranberries sound like popcorn in hot water!

We then examined a dried cranberry's surface and noticed that it had a lot of bumps and ridges. When we put it in a cup of carbonated soda, the air bubbles would catch on the surface of the dried cranberry and bring it to the top of the liquid. The air bubbles would pop and the cranberry would fall down to the bottom of the cup. It would then get caught on another set of bubbles, thus performing and up and down dance.

And finally, we ended with a cranberry STEM Challenge! Who can design a catapult that will launch a cranberry the farthest? This was so much fun! We set up a launching range, measured in yards, and released the cranberries from our starting line!

  The farthest launch (witnessed by me) was held by Ronan and Gavin! 16 yards!!

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