Wednesday, March 2, 2016

{Colossal Coasters}

We ended our unit on Forces and Motion with a bang! Or a drop, I should say!
We completed a Unit on Roller Coasters.
Here we are experiencing a roller coaster ride to prep us for our work!

Pictured below is a pool noodle I rescued from being donated to Goodwill. I mean full on, pull over in the Publix parking lot, wave down the man with his truckload of stuff, and asking if I can take this guy off of his hands!! We need them for out end of unit task and I wasn't letting this one get away!

The Twosies put all of their knowledge about speed, acceleration, friction, and gravity into use as they developed roller coasters all over our classroom. Each group had to construct a roller coaster out of pool noodles and duct tape. The challenge consisted of having to get a marble to travel the distance of the coaster and through a loop without falling off! Most groups were able to construct a working loop and some groups even created a coaster with two working loops! 

Check out our fun with the video below:

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