Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The Twosies loved celebrating International Dot Day!
International Dot Day celebrates the message presented in Peter H. Reynold's Book, The Dot, that everyone has the potential to leave their mark on the world. It all begins with being brave enough to start with just a dot.

We of course began the day by reading the book and discussing the author's message.
We also brainstormed and wrote about ways that we as second graders could make our mark in our homes, school, and community.

We later celebrated Dot Day with a STEM Challenge!
The students were given Dots candies, toothpicks, and 15 minutes to construct the tallest tower that they could.

When time was up, the teams had to take a step back. They were very disappointed to find that many towers fell shortly after removing their hands. The teams then had to analyze their structures and think about how they could improve upon their plan to ensure that the tower could support itself. (While eating their Dots of course!!)

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