Wednesday, September 14, 2016

{What's the Matter?}

Our Matter Unit was great! The Twosies were able to learn about the three stages of matter and explore the properties of matter. They were able to experiment with changing matter from one state to another, too! Luckily, this involved a lot of food!!

The Twosies sort the three types of matter:

Here we are going on a Matter Hunt around the school. We're on the lookout for all three types of matter!

We represented the molecules in the three different states of matter using Cheerios...

Properties of liquids were observed with these two experiments...

Gummy bears were changed by different liquids:
Image result for gummy bear experiment

We watched solids release gases with Pop Rocks and Cokes:

 We blew up ivory soap in the microwave... 
Ivory soap is full of air bubbles that expand when they are filled with heat!

We ended our unit by enjoying Root Beer Floats 
because they represented all three states of matter at once!!
Image result for root beer float matter

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