Friday, October 27, 2017

{Creatures of the Night}

Our Nocturnal Animals Unit sure was spooky...

To experience what nocturnal animals experience, we participated in Daily 5--flashlight style! It sure was fun, but our eyes are not equipped with night vision like most nocturnal animals.  


The Twosies each researched a nocturnal animal of their choice. 
They were responsible for finding out the following information: 
-animal kingdom

They had to complete an informational writing about their animal and they also had to create a digital poster to share their learning. We used Google Slides to create our posters!

Click on the link below to view our final products:

To end our unit, we dissected owl pellets. 
Watch this video if you aren't sure what owl pellets are!

You can visit this website to dissect an owl pellet virtually!

Here are some pictures of us during our owl pellet dissection...

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