Wednesday, October 11, 2017

{Fairytales Research Posters}

Our Fairy Tales Unit was so magical! We learned all about the elements of Fairy Tales, the history of Fairy Tales, and read lots of traditional and fractured versions. Then we grouped ourselves to research Knights, Castles, Dragons, and Royalty. Each group was armed with a research guide, books, and some websites to view. The groups had to define their topic and discuss its history, list some fun facts, and a include a diagram.

The Twosies used their Research Guides to create posters that would share their knowledge with others.

Here are the finished products:

We ended our unit with a celebration where we presented our research posters...

...made some really cool crowns...

...and enjoyed some special "fairy wand" treats!

What a fun and exciting unit!!
And they lived happily ever after!

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