Monday, October 19, 2015

{Nocturnal Animals}

Whoo, whoo, whoooooo! Squeak, squeak! Ba-Rum, ba-rum!
These are the sounds of the night! 

We had a blast learning in our nocturnal environment for a week! All work was done by flashlight!

The Twosies were introduced to nonfiction text and research by learning all about owls. We learned all about their characteristics, nocturnal adaptations, and their eating habits. It just so happens that owls swallow their food whole. No tearing or chewing unless it's necessary. Well, their little stomachs can't handle the digestion of bones and guess what?? What goes down, must come back up! The Twosies were quite disgusted to learn that owls throw-up after every meal! 

The result= an owl pellet. 

And I made them look inside one!!!

 After we learned all we could about owls, we studied bats! We learned about nonfiction text features and pulling out main idea and details from several great Bat books.

The unit ended with the Twosies conducting their own research on a nocturnal animal of their choice. They created their very first Google Slide to present their learning...but that's another post!

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